Water - 2 Cup
Coriander Leaves - ½ Cup
Mushroom - ½ Kg
Pepper Powder
Cumin Seed Powder -1 Tea Spoon
Turmeric Powder - ½ Tea Spoon
Ghee - 3 Table Spoon
Tomato Sauce - 2 Table Spoon
Garlic Paste - Table Spoon
Ginger Paste -1 Table Spoon
Onion - 4 No:
Raisins - 20 No:
Cashew Nut -12 No:
Salt- As Required
Boil the mushroom with pepper powder, cumin seed powder, turmeric powder, salt for 5 minutes. Heat 2 table spoon of ghee in a pan and sauté this with onion, garlic and ginger paste. To this add boiled mushroom and mix it well. To this add boiled rice, tomato sauce and cook it low flame for few minutes. Sprinkle it with fried cashew nut, raisins, coriander leaves. A tasty Mushroom biryani is ready to be served.