Ginger - ½ inch
Green chilies - 2-3
Coconut - 2 Table Spoon
Yogurt - 1½ Cups
Oil - 1 Tea Spoon
Mustard Seeds - ½ tsp
Curry Leaves - 5-6
Red chilies - 2
Salt to taste
Wash and scrub cucumbers thoroughly and then grate with the skin.Pour yogurt (made of skimmed milk) into a clean muslin cloth and hang it for half an hour, preferably in a cool place.
Ginger is to be chopped finely, wash green chilies, remove stem and finely chop. Grind together scraped coconut, green chilies and ginger to a fine paste. Mix together the grated cucumber, ground coconut masala and yogurt. Add salt to taste.
Heat oil in a small pan, add mustard seeds. When they start to crackle, add curry leaves, Red chilies broken into two, stir for a moment. Pour the above mixture to this and stir it thoroughly.