To make Rava Laddu the ingredient are:-

Rava - 1 ½ cup
Wheat - ¾ cup
Ghee - ¾ cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Milk - ½ glass
Water - ½ glass
Kismis - 10
Cashew nut - 10
The rava, wheat and sugar is taken separately in the mixer-grinder and mixed well to small pieces. The rava and wheat is fried separately. The rava is then added to the frying pan in to which the ghee is added and mixed well. To this the wheat is also added. The whole mixture is mixed well. This kept to cool for a while.
The milk is added to the water and heated. This is taken in spoon and added to the above mixture. This then turned in to a round shape and kismis and cashew nut are used to garnish it.
Delicious Rava Laddu is prepared